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Sharing support tools 2​

You can download the printable support tool created by Rakurakumom🇯🇵 for free. This page summarizes tools for Social Skills Training, self-understanding, and reasonable accommodation for Children with developmental disabilities, that children can work on themselves or with their parents.
楽々かあさんの伝わる! 声かけ変換


"Rakurakumom's Tutawaru! KOEKAKE-Henkan

Author Misuzu Oba (Asa Publishing)

<Support tools that can be downloaded from this page>

  • Voice scale/Help scale/Feeling scale

  • Face Palette

  • TPO list

  • Self encourage Check Sheet

  • Sorting consultation Sheet

  • A story about Hearing Hypersensitivity

  • Attention level table

  • Fact and opinions line drawing work

  • Advantages and Disadvantages Chart of Accounts

  • Ambiguous expression sheet

  • Status Gauge

  • Standard Consultation phrases for adult with Developmental Disorders

*Before using this tool...

Please read and agree to the terms of use here [About using this tool] before using this tool.

TPO list

For children and people who are not good at reading the atmosphere, SST list cards are used to input appropriate words and actions according to TPO like programming (all types can be downloaded at once)→Click here*Postcard size recommended)

Self-esteem check sheet for people with developmental disabilities
Self encourage
Check sheet

A check sheet to help you recognize your strengths and strengths and support yourself when you fail or feel down.

Self-advocacy for people with disabilities Consultation sheet for troubleshooting issues
Sorting consultation sheet

A sheet that helps you organize your problems and explain them when you ask for their understanding or consideration when consulting with a teacher or support person.

Understanding and awareness of hyperacusis: Letter for lower grades
Understanding and awareness of hyperacusis: letter for upper grades
​A story about hearing hypersensitivity

​An educational text to ask for understanding for children with hearing hypersensitivity. There is one for lower grades of elementary school and one for upper grades. It can be used for bulletin boards, handouts, etc. in class.

Adult Developmental Disabilities SST Casual Consideration Standard Statement
Standard Consultation phrases for adults with Developmental disorders

A template card containing phrases that can be used when requesting consideration at work (postcard size recommended)

SST attention level table for developmental disorders
Attention level table

Things that can be used as a reference when making judgments when you are too careful or being treated too much by your friends.
(The "fill-in" format is a blank table. You can write the contents together with your child.)

Cognitive distortions in developmental disorders Work to draw the line between facts and opinions
facts and opinions
line drawing work

Work to draw a line between ``facts'' and ``opinions'' and distinguish between them when there are concerns or troubles in friendships, etc. With an adult close to you when you feel calm.

SST Son Tok Account Chart for Developmental Disabilities
Advantages and disadvantages Chart of Accounts

A worksheet to help you make a decision by comparing both the advantages and disadvantages when making a decision.

SST ambiguous expression sheet for developmental disorders
Ambiguous expression sheet

A useful list for understanding ambiguous and intermediate expressions such as "a little" and "mostly".

SST status gauge for developmental disorders
Status gauge


Social Skills Training and Anger Management for Kids Who Like Games

-Postcard size,PDF

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